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"You can't even 1v1 me bro"

This is the mark of someone who has absolutely zero understanding of what league of legends is and how its played. 1v1ing someone proves absolutely nothing other than that you're a selfish player and a bad teammate. This kind of mentality is what loses you games.

Even if you're a mechanical god and can outplay and out 1v1 anyone, you will lose more games than you win if this is your attitude.

You're the guy running it down toplane trying to get an inner turret while the enemy pushes an inhibitor on the other side of the map, then blaming your team.

You're the guy that keeps diving, throwing the game in repeated 1v5s trying to show off your flashy solo queue skills when if you'd just wait for your team ONE TIME you'd win a teamfight and the game would be over with a victory screen.

You're the reason a game that should have been a 20 minute win takes 40 minutes and you lose.

1v1 means absolutely nothing in this game unless you're playing mid or top and its the first 10 minutes of the game, and even then you should be playing with the 2v2 or 2v1 in mind -- and you have absolutely no right to get upset if every time you fight your lane opponent his jungler shows up.

That's not "You're garbage, can't even win without your jungler, 1v1 me bro"

That's YOU being garbage not paying attention, not warding, not tracking the enemy jungler, and taking fights when you have no right to do so. That's YOU trying to turn a team-oriented strategy game into a 1v1 fighting game.

"Team so bad, I'm 14/0 and can't carry. I could 1v1 any of you"

No, bud. YOU are the bad one. If you can't transition a 14/0 lead into a victory, I don't even know where to begin giving you advice. Play a different game maybe? Idk.

League is a team game. Saying anything about 1v1ing people just makes you look like a spoiled, baby raging 13 year old who's only on the computer because your mom took your Xbox away.

Also -- anyone who says "1v1 me IRL" 100% would get their ass kicked. I'd put money on it.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

1v1 me