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for those unaware, league runs at a 30hz tick rate

Tick rate is how much the server sends updates a second. the higher the tick rate, the more accurate things are for both the servers and the clients.

Meaning, more responsive inputs and feedback, and more accurate display of the current game state

Think of it like a monitor refresh rate but for the server itself. Currently we get a refresh every 33ms, which could be reduced to half that amount on 60hz

Therefore, increasing the tickrate from 30 to 60 will on average shave 16.67ms off the latency in overall inputs, so think of it as -16ms server lag. Maybe not noticeable to a lot of people but definitely significant and can make the game feel much smoother.

A potential solution could be to have 60hz rates enabled only in ranked modes where it matters the most, to minimize the server costs. What do you think?

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7 months ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Not to say we wouldn't do this in the future, but this has been explored by us internally (I personally did an exploration on this around 4 years ago). The conclusion we came to was that even with my team (of diamond+ players) could not observe any meaningful difference in how quickly the game updated. In the VAST majority of cases, players are being limited by their ping and not the server's tickrate. Getting a marginal performance improvement of this type would also bring a number of risks:

  • Servers have to work (around) twice as hard, self explanatory.
  • We have to make sure nothing bugs out due to this. Solve-able, but costly regardless and may have long-term butterfly effects of bugs and how your champions feel.
  • Lower tickrate means more time for the server to resolve "conflicts" and run calculations. This means its less likely to run into bugs/miscalculations with things like stats, and gives the server time to optimize the packets/information it sends to clients rather than send at 2x the frequency without consolidation. And also gives more time to resolve issues with ping, or minor blips in server performance, stuff like that.

So in conclusion, it's been explored and didn't seem worth it at the time, but it's totally possible it's reassessed in the future. My expectation is we'd need a "why" that is strong enough to invest in resolving the above risks.

7 months ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

Not to say we wouldn't do this in the future, but this has been explored by us internally (I personally did an exploration on this around 4 years ago). The conclusion we came to was that even with my team (of diamond+ players) could not observe any meaningful difference in how quickly the game updated. In the VAST majority of cases, players are being limited by their ping and not the server's tickrate. Getting a marginal performance improvement of this type would also bring a number of risks:

  • Servers have to work (around) twice as hard, self explanatory.
  • We have to make sure nothing bugs out due to this. Solve-able, but costly regardless and may have long-term butterfly effects of bugs and how your champions feel.
  • Lower tickrate means more time for the server to resolve "conflicts" and run calculations. This means its less likely to run into bugs/miscalculations with things like stats, and gives the server time to optimize the packets/information it sends to clients rather than send at 2x the frequency without consolidation. And also gives more time to resolve issues with ping, or minor blips in server performance, stuff like that.

So in conclusion, it's been explored and didn't seem worth it at the time, but it's totally possible it's reassessed in the future. My expectation is we'd need a "why" that is strong enough to invest in resolving the above risks.

To clarify, we could not observe any meaningful difference and we were on 0 ping testing internally.