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I love how Manaflow will show up as that little icon about my HUD/on my HUD I guess. I don't understand why other runes with Cooldowns like Taste of Blood wont show up. It would be really nice to have a visual indicator of these things instead of having to press C and mouse over the Rune. That just seems super inefficient. Is there a way that this is possible in the settings?

EDIT: Thanks for the info guys, I didn't realize how many people agree with me and that this currently isn't a possibility. Can Riot just change it? How hard will it be? It's not like it will cease their skin sales or make the client any worse xD

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link


over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by FishingCrystal


Check PBE tomorrow u wont

Edit: just taste of blood btw

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

What a coincidence, ha!

HUDs have the issue that they can be cluttered, but currently there's still plenty of space for statuses to be visible like those! I hope the original design philosophy behind not having these information buffs visible can be overthought a bit more, because having demolish update every time you hover is even harder to check than to remember looking at the game clock when you trigger it and calculating 45 seconds to the time.

Yeah, taste of blood and some of the other ones with long CD and a real output make sense to show the CD

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by TrololoIo

Can we get some numbers shown for grivious wounds items, where it shows total healing prevented and "prevented last fight", would be nice for conq, to know exactly how much you healed last fight instead of always having to check beforehand then calculate the diff. It would help a lot to give ppl a better sense of how strong these effects are, esp grivous wounds to lower elo players.

Total healing prevented would be pretty sweet, I think.

As for last fight... well it's hard to define what a fight is. Last minute is a maybe, but it's not something we currently do in game and so theres a certain bar it would have to pass to be worth it. Would be interesting to look into though!