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Gun Goddess Miss Fortune was released in March 2018. Since then various amazing skins and skin sets were released, yet not a single ultimate skin has been announced. That's a shame, ultimate skins are far more exciting than more prestige editions of new epic skins.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by ru7ger

OK Boomer Rammus skin coming through

I need this. We all need this. The world needs this. BRB, gonna go bother skins team.


over 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by IcePokeTwoSoon


Edit: in my hype I forgot what year it was. 2020

If you only knew...you're preaching to the choir. I pitch meme skins like my life depends on it.

I will do my best!


over 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by clarkx100

You're the hero we need

I need my A-moomoo skin where he's dressed like a little cow

Dang it. I pitched this, but it was Amumu wearing a muumuu, getting rained on during his Hawaiian vacation for Pool Party.

over 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by StephentheGinger

Is your job title "meme skin idea generator"? It should be.

Not officially, but I'm pretty sure I generate enough eyerolls from the skins team to power our NA servers. So, you're welcome for the low ping.

over 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by StephentheGinger

I'll take it! Out of curiosity, what is your role?

Global publishing, so I have to be really nice to the game teams and skin teams to get this done :)