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For 13.15, we're buffing struggling champions, tapping down some of the stronger champs like Aatrox, Kaisa and nerfing smite against Pet/Summon champions (and making appropriate durability adjustments to them)

Naafiri is still a bit strong, so we're taking her down a tad


LEC Playoff Tournament is the only major region playing on 13.15, but we're starting to get things in shape for Worlds meta that's coming up!

We're still working on some K'Sante changes that we expect will be out in a few patches time (though they're a bit difficult to land!)

Champion Buffs







Champion Nerfs



Kai'Sa (AP, likely W cooldown refund)





Champion Adjustments




Yorick (Maiden)

System Buffs


System Nerfs

Glacial Augment

Night Harvester (Will only trigger from Attacks, Abilities, Jungle Pet damage = remove shiv synergy)

Smite on Champion Pets

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10 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by dEleque

Hopefully the Gwen buffs are just sustain buff either in passive healing or hp regen, her usuall stats are very good at proplay and good in soloQ. A buff could have huge impact on proplay and we're back at facefcking her entire kit.

Gonna try to avoid touching Gwens damage for sure

10 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by waffle-spouse

W refund from 77% to 75%

I'm convinced they only did this because someone at Riot wanted to quench their OCD

That refund change is bigger than it looks, but we're also gonna plan to add onto this a bit, still targeting AP.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by pda898

Funny enough, it is. Classic AP build has 15 haste at max, so W cd on hit is 2.88s now, which means she can chain her passive at 1260 range, which is huge. With nerfs - 3.05, which means 962 range for chain hitting passive. So 2% cdr nerf equals essentially ~24% effective range nerf.

Yeah but Reddit only know how to count to -2%, forgetting that this is actually an ~8% cd nerf.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Kordben

Hey. A bit off topic but how Azir look like within your database?

Is he getting closer to the nerf angle ? His presence in pro is ever increasing.

I love the champ and it's state and I'm worried we are going back to the dark middle age :D

My thoughts on pro balance, and Azir specifically:

  1. Azir at ~60% pro presence is completely reasonable for him. Either the mid lane meta is so healthy that 60% is the #1 pick, which is awesome, or he's like #2-4, which is fine.
  2. We should curate the pro meta. This means picking favorites and shifting the game into the best version of the game to view and to play. This means players in every role should be able to carry. This means tanks shouldn't be the default top lane role. Probably also means tanks shouldn't be the default jungle role. Azir is generally a very good champion for pro play. I'd very much like to keep him around in pro play nearly permanently.
  3. Staleness is weird. I don't have fully formed thoughts here. People tend to get bored when it's Vi/Wukong in most games for the whole year, even if they're fairly active champions. Some amount of mandatory shifting probably has to happen when picks get stale but I don't love having to do it. This might mean at some point Azir has to take a love tap but I'm not sure.