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/u/RiotScruffy tweeted:

Fiddlesticks buff hotfix going out this afternoon:

-W damage 100-340 >>> 120-360

-W final tick 12-16 >>> 12-18% missing HP

It's a small buff, but we think there's still a good amount of learning the new kit to do before players are accessing Fiddle's full power.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Prottek

"there's still a good amount of learning the new kit to do before players are accessing Fiddle's full power." like what elo are champ testing Riot employees, if not even Challanger players has not figured out how you mean to play and wreck with him (as it is possible by Scruffy tweet)?

It is like Blizzard WoW test team all over again, having no players capable of clearing high end content and releasing unbeatable/undertuned stuff.

He's been out for 2 days. Every new champion goes through a period of learning where their average winrate increases over the course of ~ week. There are a few exceptions to this like Neeko, where it was harder to learn to play against her than play as her - her winrate on release remained pretty consistent and slightly declined over the week.

over 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by GodlyPain

new champion

but this ISNT a new champion... this is the smallest VGU we've gotten yet. Honestly I'd argue the wukong rework was more of a new champion than the fiddles rework is.

His W is the samething but AoE... His ult? same thing... his Q? Same thing but tuned differently (and with a spooky passive)... E? Okay, that's new but it's still got an AoE silence just now its a skillshot rather than a point and click bounce... and his passive? Completely different BUT! super low portion of his powerbudget eitherway.

The changes might not seem drastic, but the big thing here is that there are at least 12x people playing him this patch as compared to pre-rework (super imprecise numbers, forgive me), and for them it's basically a new champ. FWIW most people already have an idea of how Fiddle is supposed to play since it's a lighter VGU and not an entirely new kit, but there's still some mechanical execution for even experienced players to pick up e.g. doing two camps at the same time.

over 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Ai2g

Yeah the "new champ winrate goes up with time" argument doesn't hold water here because there was literally 1 new thing to learn (his E). The rest is old Fiddlesticks+ ghost poro. The playerbase isn't going to slowly bring his wr% up, if anything it goes down as effigy's become easier to spot.

The playerbase isn't going to slowly bring his wr% up, if anything it goes down as effigy's become easier to spot.

The latter point is definitely valid and was a possibility we considered pre-ship, but early data has indicated that's unlikely at this point.

The other thing to think about is that even though there might not be as much to learn on this VGU as there is on a new champ, considering the amount of people playing him now vs. pre-rework, he might as well be a new champion for a lot of them. There's a lot of knowledge soak you can take in on how Fiddle is supposed to play that doesn't exist for new champs, which is worth something because I don't expect his playstyle has changed all that much, but we're still seeing the early WR climb we'd expect on any new champ.