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Sett - Base HP regen 9.25 >>> 8; W cooldown 16-8 >>> 18-12; W base damage 90-230 >>> 90-210

Ekko Jungle - Base attack speed 6.88 >>> 6.25; W stun duration 2.25 >>> 2s

Diana - Base mana 420 >>> 375; W damage 22-70 >>> 18-66

Akali - Q energy cost 100-80 >>> 120-100; W Akali gains 20-40% movement speed while in shroud >>> Akali gains 30-50% speed decaying for 2s on cast; R1 is free target >>> targeted

Miss Fortune - Attack Speed per lvl 3 >>> 2.25%

Senna ADC - Soul drop on minions Senna doesnt kill 20 >>> 25%; Soul drop on cannons senna kills 100% >>> 2%

Sona - E self movement speed 25% (+4% per 100 AP) >>> 20% (+3% per 100 AP)

Leona - W damage 60-220 >>> 60-200; E damage 60-220 >>> 50-210

Rumble - W movement speed 20-40% (30-60 enhanced) >>> 15-35% (22.5-52-5 enhanced); W shield 80-200 >>> 60-200

Aphelios - Calibrum marks can be used at infinite >>> 2000 range maximum

Lucian - Bugfix - Second passive shot no longer crits for full damage


Galio - Q tornado duration 1.5 >>> 2s; Q tornado damage ticks 3 >>> 4

Sejuani - Attack speed bonus at lvl 1 0% >>> 10%; Passive falls off after hits from small monsters

Yuumi - Q empowered damage 50-275(+40% ap) >>> 45-220(+40% ap)(+2-8% target current health); Q mana cost 85-110 >>> 90; W silences wont trigger cd; E heal 70-230(+30% ap) >>> 70-190(+40% ap)

Azir - R soldier count (width) 5-7 >>> 6-8

Corki - Special delivery damage per second 7.5-25 (+37.5 bAD) (+5% ap) >>> 7.5-25 (+50% bAD) (+6% ap); Special Delivery DoT duration when you knock enemies aside 1s >>> 1.5s

Ezreal - Mana per level 42 >>> 50; Attack speed per level 1.5 >>> 2.5%

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about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Azir - R soldier count (width) 5-7 >>> 6-8

It's only a matter of time until Azir has enough soldiers to divide the entire map; you heard it here first.


about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

Soul drop on cannons senna kills 100% >>> 2%

Looks like a mid/late game nerf since early on the melee support will be taking the cannon. Prediction, more nerfs to her won't come as a surprise.

edit: more info below

If Senna's support takes a minion with relic shield (giving her the gold) it is treated as though she had killed it (lower soul drop rate).

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by ridlehprime

So why does riot want senna to be a support so badly when clearly the pros and solo q players play her bot?

We want her to be both. Right now ADC Senna is OP, so we're nerfing it.

We're not nerfing her because she's being played ADC. We're nerfing her because she's OP.

about 5 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Naminoo

Riot August said below that relic shield supports last hitting cannons counts as Senna killing them if the gold is shared with her.

This is correct.

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by sick_happy

Riot are literally just playing numberwang at this point.

thank you for introducing me to this. this is high tier memeing

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by Clonth

I just want to know if Yuumi’s W scales with cdr now. This is a pretty big buff for her. The E changes are negligible imo. She will most likely max Q first again and build more ap. I’ve been maxing E>W>Q, but will probably do Q>E>W now. Athene’s May still be first item unless I go an ap item first into Athens and/or Ardent.

No i pulled that change. we got massive gains on pro play priority through this counterplay and I don't want to jeopardize that. she gets to be a 50% winrate champ instead of a 38%? @_@

(turns out champs need gameplay)

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


99% gas, 1% evil

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by ThatRaggedyMan

Why were the lowermost soldiers slower than the rest?

who can know these things