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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by DinhLamDuc

Funny that he got pulled out to work with Pantheon before he finished with Garen.

My timeline was Pantheon -> begin Sett -> begin Garen -> move to TFT (which is what I'm still doing), handing off Garen to GreaterBelugaWhale and Sett to Riot Twin Enso.

I took Sett to "kit lock" - which is nearly all mechanics designed and validated + working with concept art and narrative to flesh out who this character is. It leaves out most of the hard work of implementing things correctly for the long term, working with production artists to get everything looking cool and readable in game, plus numbers tuning/balancing and getting each detail to feel just right.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by agentcheeze

Does it make you feel proud or disappointed that new Pantheon was heavily banned in pro-play for a long stretch?

Personally I love new Pantheon. So close to old but also very new, fairly simple pattern but with some little hidden tricks, and highly benefits from map knowledge. Plus that base move speed is so precisely perfect for his pattern it feels like even a slight nerf would ruin it but you can move around comfortably where it's at.

Before it got a couple nerfs I used to rock the support Pantheon pick. It was stupid fun.

Neither proud nor disappointed. He was badly OP on that patch in solo queue (particularly high elo) as well as pro play and the nerfs were easily justified.

I'm a little sad that his first time being enabled for pro was on the worlds patch, where we couldn't do anything to fix it and he ended up hurting the quality of the tournament.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by Waterstealer

good shit my dude.

guessing by your username the deadbeat draven rumor is probably intentional ;)

Draven's not Sett's dad.

God is Draven cool though.