I'm probably not the first to write this, but I see a big problem in the design of some items / mechanics and by that I mean:
1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only
Before proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability Haste), I believe that mechanics should have a consistent logic in their names so that players do not ask why this is called like that when there is a more logical name for it armor penetration/cdr (yes its scaling differently but this is same mechanic with same effect), so pls rename it back
i like new physical/magic/Omni wamp names, resource regen make sense to but I have a small complaint about "why the regen in the game is shown over 5 seconds instead of 1, because on the champion it works once a second?? this is counter intuitive, would be good to clean up the description a little
My solution for items would be something like this: (there will be only items that need to be improved, other items need only changes in numbers or make descriptions less confusing)
Galeforce/ Mobility Active - Zephyr Strike: Dash (450 range instead of 200~) in target direction, first attack deals a total of 100-300 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) magic damage, 60 sec Cd
Duskblade of Draktharr/ Teamfight multikill Dusk: Attacking an enemy champion deals 50-150 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) bonus physical damage (20 second cooldown). Kills reset ability cooldown and gain invisibility for 1 seconds.
Eclipse/ Dueling Moon Strike: Hitting a champion with 3 separate Attacks or Abilities within 2 seconds deals bonus 150 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and grants you shield 100 (+60% bonus Attack Damage), (15 second cooldown, 20 seconds for ranged champions)
Prowler's Claw/ Assassination Dash (450 range) through target enemy, dealing 100-200 (lv 1-18) (+45% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and reducing their Armor by 30% for 3 seconds. 90 second cooldown (cd 90 instead of 60 because players would us it all in when ult/Ignite is ready)
Hextech Rocketbelt/ Mobility Active - Fire Bolt: Dash(450 range) in target direction, first ability deal bonus 150-300 (lv 1-18) magic damage (90 second cooldown)
Axamuk’s Folly/ Magic Vamp Corruption: For each second in champion combat, deal 4% bonus damage, duration 5 sec (max 20%)
Shurelya's Battlesong/ Team mobility Active - Inspire: Grants you and nearby allies 40% Move Speed for 5 seconds
idea with this item is "Triumph rune mini rework" so it steals enemy 25 gold instead of give u gold so The Collector/ passive Contract Killer: Kills steal enemy 75 gold gold, assists steal 25 (with Triumph kills steal 100 gold or 50 per assist)
Ancient Runestone is uselles if u add option to change Trinket for control ward, this item is will be a crutch when you can make change much easier and better