over 4 years ago - /u/RiotScruffy - Direct link

Hey everyone, The massive item system overhaul is coming to PBE. This is the thread for all feedback related to:

  • Updated stats (like Ability Haste)
  • Mythic items
  • New Legendary items
  • Updated Legendary items
  • Other systems changes like Runes, the Jungle, etc

Some of the new items don’t have final VFX or SFX yet, so if you see something that looks placeholder expect it to be updated soon. We most appreciate feedback around item choice and satisfaction. We won’t turn away any balance feedback, but PBE isn’t the best environment for balance reads because most players haven’t played enough games for matchmaking to be accurate.

There is a lot to absorb, so take your time playing and give us as much feedback as you can. We’re reading and absorbing all of it.

Riot Scruffy

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by GrumpyShisa

Can add a AP mythic option for enchanters without mana please?

AP Enchanters is the only class without a good item in this update

The current Athene's Unholy Grail can be a really nice option for a Mythic item, something like that:

2600 gold

+50 Ability Power

+20% Ability Haste

+100% base mana regeneration

+20% Heal and Shield Power

UNIQUE: Gain 50% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt to champions as Blood Charges, up to 150 − 300 (based on level). Healing or shielding another ally consumes charges equal to 100% of the heal or shield, to heal them, up to the original effect amount.

UNIQUE – DISSONANCE: Gain +5 ability power for every additional 25% base mana regeneration.

Mythic Passive: Grants all other legendary items +5% Heal and Shield Power.

I don't know if the balance is good but if necessary, buffing or nerfting is okay

Which enchanter are you thinking of that doesn't use Mana?

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by hanibal_lecter

I'm probably not the first to write this, but I see a big problem in the design of some items / mechanics and by that I mean:

1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only

Before proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability Haste), I believe that mechanics should have a consistent logic in their names so that players do not ask why this is called like that when there is a more logical name for it armor penetration/cdr (yes its scaling differently but this is same mechanic with same effect), so pls rename it back

i like new physical/magic/Omni wamp names, resource regen make sense to but I have a small complaint about "why the regen in the game is shown over 5 seconds instead of 1, because on the champion it works once a second?? this is counter intuitive, would be good to clean up the description a little

My solution for items would be something like this: (there will be only items that need to be improved, other items need only changes in numbers or make descriptions less confusing)

Galeforce/ Mobility Active - Zephyr Strike: Dash (450 range instead of 200~) in target direction, first attack deals a total of 100-300 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) magic damage, 60 sec Cd

Duskblade of Draktharr/ Teamfight multikill Dusk: Attacking an enemy champion deals 50-150 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) bonus physical damage (20 second cooldown). Kills reset ability cooldown and gain invisibility for 1 seconds.

Eclipse/ Dueling Moon Strike: Hitting a champion with 3 separate Attacks or Abilities within 2 seconds deals bonus 150 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and grants you shield 100 (+60% bonus Attack Damage), (15 second cooldown, 20 seconds for ranged champions)

Prowler's Claw/ Assassination Dash (450 range) through target enemy, dealing 100-200 (lv 1-18) (+45% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and reducing their Armor by 30% for 3 seconds. 90 second cooldown (cd 90 instead of 60 because players would us it all in when ult/Ignite is ready)

Hextech Rocketbelt/ Mobility Active - Fire Bolt: Dash(450 range) in target direction, first ability deal bonus 150-300 (lv 1-18) magic damage (90 second cooldown)

Axamuk’s Folly/ Magic Vamp Corruption: For each second in champion combat, deal 4% bonus damage, duration 5 sec (max 20%)

Shurelya's Battlesong/ Team mobility Active - Inspire: Grants you and nearby allies 40% Move Speed for 5 seconds

idea with this item is "Triumph rune mini rework" so it steals enemy 25 gold instead of give u gold so The Collector/ passive Contract Killer: Kills steal enemy 75 gold gold, assists steal 25 (with Triumph kills steal 100 gold or 50 per assist)

Ancient Runestone is uselles if u add option to change Trinket for control ward, this item is will be a crutch when you can make change much easier and better

Great post. Remind me to respond to this one later!

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas

Does anyone know if Horizon Focus amps true damage from champions like Vel'Koz? It feels like it's supposed to be the dedicated artillery/combo mage item but if it doesn't amp true damage it's literally useless on velkoz, and that feels kinda bad as it's one of the few really standout items for him? /u/Rovient u/RiotPetrie

It absolutely should! If it does not, this is a bug.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by BassaniZ

So did you changed how true damage works? Currently true damage is not affected by any damage reduction nigher amplifier. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/True_damage

That is inconsistently applied across the game right now. I'll grab some examples (first that comes to mind is that the formerly named Ninja Tabis reduce Camille's 2nd Q Attack by 12%, despite being true damage), but if we make the call that we DO NOT amp true damage (I agree with it not being reduced btw), I'll come back and correct my post above later.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by hanibal_lecter

I'm probably not the first to write this, but I see a big problem in the design of some items / mechanics and by that I mean:

1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only

Before proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability Haste), I believe that mechanics should have a consistent logic in their names so that players do not ask why this is called like that when there is a more logical name for it armor penetration/cdr (yes its scaling differently but this is same mechanic with same effect), so pls rename it back

i like new physical/magic/Omni wamp names, resource regen make sense to but I have a small complaint about "why the regen in the game is shown over 5 seconds instead of 1, because on the champion it works once a second?? this is counter intuitive, would be good to clean up the description a little

My solution for items would be something like this: (there will be only items that need to be improved, other items need only changes in numbers or make descriptions less confusing)

Galeforce/ Mobility Active - Zephyr Strike: Dash (450 range instead of 200~) in target direction, first attack deals a total of 100-300 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) magic damage, 60 sec Cd

Duskblade of Draktharr/ Teamfight multikill Dusk: Attacking an enemy champion deals 50-150 (lv 1-18) (+30% bonus Attack Damage) bonus physical damage (20 second cooldown). Kills reset ability cooldown and gain invisibility for 1 seconds.

Eclipse/ Dueling Moon Strike: Hitting a champion with 3 separate Attacks or Abilities within 2 seconds deals bonus 150 (+80% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and grants you shield 100 (+60% bonus Attack Damage), (15 second cooldown, 20 seconds for ranged champions)

Prowler's Claw/ Assassination Dash (450 range) through target enemy, dealing 100-200 (lv 1-18) (+45% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and reducing their Armor by 30% for 3 seconds. 90 second cooldown (cd 90 instead of 60 because players would us it all in when ult/Ignite is ready)

Hextech Rocketbelt/ Mobility Active - Fire Bolt: Dash(450 range) in target direction, first ability deal bonus 150-300 (lv 1-18) magic damage (90 second cooldown)

Axamuk’s Folly/ Magic Vamp Corruption: For each second in champion combat, deal 4% bonus damage, duration 5 sec (max 20%)

Shurelya's Battlesong/ Team mobility Active - Inspire: Grants you and nearby allies 40% Move Speed for 5 seconds

idea with this item is "Triumph rune mini rework" so it steals enemy 25 gold instead of give u gold so The Collector/ passive Contract Killer: Kills steal enemy 75 gold gold, assists steal 25 (with Triumph kills steal 100 gold or 50 per assist)

Ancient Runestone is uselles if u add option to change Trinket for control ward, this item is will be a crutch when you can make change much easier and better

1 some of them are overloaded (the same design when you reworked Irelia, instead of giving a couple of mechanics to the champion and the player's skill made him strong, leaving the skillset simple "for the most part", you put 2-4 mechanics in each ability and the strength comes from the numbers and not the player skill, doesnt matter how good you are at Adc if Zed with a new "Duskblade of Draktharr" gets 3 mechanics from 1 item: bonus dmg/slow/passive kill reset), instead of this just make each item passive/active strong in 1 direction only

I disagree on Duskblade. The damage is mainly there to add impact and satisfaction to the slow. We'd have been happy with an item that just slows the target for a brief moment, but these effects always feel nicer when they come with a small amount of bonus damage.

Before proposing solutions how i see new items, I would like to know why you rename mechanics for no reason: (lethality/Ability Haste), I believe that mechanics should have a consistent logic in their names so that players do not ask why this is called like that when there is a more logical name for it armor penetration/cdr (yes its scaling differently but this is same mechanic with same effect), so pls rename it back

I 100% agree with you on Lethality. I believe it should just be called Armor Penetration (SCALE WITH LEVEL ICON). However, it's not a high value battle I have time to fight right now.

Ability Haste is renamed for a reason, because it behaves differently to CDR. CDR was capped, and became more valuable the more of it you had (going from 30%-40% CDR was extremely potent, but cost the same amount of gold). Ability Haste is uncapped and scales linearly. Every 100 AH allows you to cast 100% more spells in the same time period.

i like new physical/magic/Omni wamp names, resource regen make sense to but I have a small complaint about "why the regen in the game is shown over 5 seconds instead of 1, because on the champion it works once a second?? this is counter intuitive, would be good to clean up the description a little

Yep, that's a really good point. I guess the health/mana bars are showing you how much you'll regen "per tick" whereas mana per 5 seconds is a nice, round number that we feel better showing players. The alternative would be saying: Adds 1.3 mana regen per second instead. Not bad, but, maybe less clear than mana per 5? I'm not 100% on this one myself.

I'll leave feedback on your item suggestions to the item designers. Great post, thank you for taking the time.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas

While you're here, what are the two damage numbers tracked on Horizon Focus?

Oh yeah, one of them is damage dealt, the other is damage that would have been dealt by another it's item... I can't recall which is which! We'll fix that soon.