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hello all,

this post may be a little long, but i appreciate anyone that takes the time to read it completely and give me the best advice they possibly can.

i’m at a bit of a halt with my League of Legends journey. i have been playing for the most part of the day for the past 10 months and am currently hard-stuck Silver 3. i have identified many of my flaws as to why i am so incredibly hardstuck; the main one being i cannot commit your a champion (or champion pool) that i can learn thoroughly and use to climb with consistently. i’m constantly champ hopping and never going in-depth when it comes to champion micro, because i turn away the second i have a few bad games as the champion.

i’m trying to change this. i’m challenging myself to play the 2 champions I’ve always played best, and those 2 only: Sylas and Taliyah (in the mid lane). now, my question is derived from constant advice i get from people when i tell them i’m hardstuck Silver, and that is “play Annie and Diana”.

so, i’ve been playing constantly for 10 months. during this time, you’d expect me to at least have the basics of macro understood and implemented into my game. i would personally say i have, and i also believe i have even further knowledge about the game from watching tutor videos and pros play; however, i’m yet to properly implement this into my game.

with this in mind, my question is: is it really still best for me to play the braindead champions? and to extend to this, when is a good time to stop playing the “braindead champions”. i suppose i am a little confused when people say to play the easy champions, because they never tell you when is a good time move on. i want to climb, sure but i feel that 10 months is long enough for me to move forward and play champions that are a little more micro-intensive.

but then i go on massive 6-7 game loss streaks and begin to doubt my ability and start to question whether i should ditch the champions i enjoy playing, and play the “braindead” champions. but again, when do i move on from the braindead champions? when i get to Gold? when i get to Plat? how is playing braindead champions going to teach me any micro skills that can be applied to the tougher champions that interest me?

i guess ultimately, i want to know what a player of my experience should be doing. how long do people recommend to play champions like Annie, and when does the recommendation stop? what criteria is a player supposed to meet, before it is acceptable to play tougher champions? and how does playing easier champs benefit micro aspects of the game? if i am to play a tonne of Sylas now, or after playing another 5 months of Annie, how is that going to benefit me? Sylas will still be much harder than Annie in a way that the skills i have with Annie wont reflect on Sylas, or any other more intense champion.

any help would be appreciated. it’s late, and i’m busting out this before i collapse asleep; so i apologise if this post lacks some fluency.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

In addition to the points /u/EsterWithPants made, some champions just have higher winrates at lower elo than higher elos. For example, Aphelios is 50% winrate at masters and only 46% winrate at silver. This is due not only to the difficulty of the champion, but also the coordination burden of their playstyle. Taliyah is another example, her winrate at silver in mid-lane is 49% but goes up to 52% as you get to higher elos.

Inversely, Annie, a simpler champion, is higher winrate at lower elos than higher ones. That tends to make a compelling argument for why simpler champions should be played if you're intending to climb from bronze, silver, etc.

If you want to check these stats for yourself, check sites like u.gg and change the ELO filter.