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I've made a video to show you how to do this, down to the precise locations where you have to stand to not reset your camps.

When Fiddlesticks came out, people found out he could double-clear multiple camps, due to his insane multi-target healing. You may have seen Fiddlesticks double-clear Red and Raptors, or Blue and Gromp. Maybe you've even seen a video where he double-clears Wolves and Blue.

I didn't invent this clear, but the videos and guides currently on YouTube seem to rely on intuition and feel. Nobody seems to be able to this consistently, as not even FearTheSticks, a high ELO Fiddlestick main, uses this Wolf-start clear: he says it is too unreliable to pull off and too risky.

But I've gotten it down to a science, and I can now complete it with 100% accuracy, and you can too with some practice. And I've showcased how to do it on BOTH TEAMS, since a ton of the other videos can't consistently pull it off on red team, since it's less lenient on that side.

Now this bears repeating: this clear allows you to clear your entire blue side jungle in 35 seconds, by 2:05. I'm pretty sure that's a faster level 3 than any other Champion in the game, and if you choose not to full clear, you can also gank with your full kit available, or counterjungle unexpectedly.

One final note is that this clear even saves your 2nd Smite for Scuttle, and if you use your E>Q>AA>Smite>W combo, you can actually oneshot Scuttle in that single rotation.

Hope this is helpful!

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

This is so beautiful