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Im ranking up another account (from bronze), and as I enter plat there is an insane amount of players that are level 30, and play like literal new players. They dont ward, they get 2-5 cs/m, they get less than 20% kp, have negative wr, and less gold than the supports. Theyre obviously new players or people who bought/ranked up a new account. Why do we instantly put people in plat? I feel bad for people actually stuck in this elo because if I cant even carry them as a Masters elo player, there is literally 0 hope for anyone who is actually stuck in that elo. People should be starting every year from bronze, stop putting people in mid-high elo for their placements, this is getting old. Imagine you abuse the Janna/Mao meta and get to Diamond after being hardstuck gold for 5 years, then Janna/Mao gets hard nerfed yet you still get placed in diamond with diamond mmr. The ranked system needs to be fixed asap.

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11 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Can you dm me some accounts?

We believe we've fixed it forward facing, but we can't fix them retroactively :( We've investigated, it's just not realistically possible at this time