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1. Bjergsen & Jensen, Zilean

They typically hold it for playoffs, but these are THE iconic pocket pick, and for Bjergsen is arguably a main at this point. A champion with a 0% P/B across the entire world except for NA, it is out here winning playoffs series still in 2022, and it's a massive draft advantage because nobody else can play it.

2. Closer, Lee Sin

Is Lee Sin meta? Is Lee Sin the only champion in F tier? It doesn't matter. Closer will defiantly pick it anyway, and Closer really aims to live up to the "It doesn't matter, Lee is always relevant because he has the Insec".

3. Chime, Bard

The dude literally named himself after the champion. Despite only a few games on it, much of that is only due to Chime having not that many games in the LCS overall. He plays like an absolute psychopath on it, and it's absolutely something opponents need to consider.

4. Dhokla & Palafox, the Akali/Yone flex

It was picked a lot, banned a lot, and won a lot of games. By using the flex to leverage easier matchups in lane, CLG was able to slot these champions into the types of very aggressive compositions they loved to play. And because it required both players to be proficient at both champions, few other teams looked to consistently incorporate the champions in their strategies.

5. Solo, Ornn

Meta be damned, Solo knows what role he wants to play in a team, and that role is Ornn. Now, you could argue that Ornn is always meta, and maybe you aren't thaaat wrong. But it's undeniable that Solo's skill on the champion allows him to perform and raise teams to a higher level.

6. Blaber & Bwipo, Olaf (Edited)

Bwipo's primary counterpick or pocket pick tools often shift year to year, but over this summer his Olaf was something that you didn't see out of any other top laner, and was so threatening that it would draw bans all the time. When it did come out, it often took over games completely.

I totally forgot about Blaber on Olaf, but yeah as the comments say, the dude's an absolutely monster on it and it plays exactly how Blaber likes to play. It also isn't something the rest of the jungler crew picks, so it really is a main for him in a way it isn't just a champion for others. His Kindred is also a good callout.

7. Jojopyun, Leblanc

This is moreso focused towards spring split, but Leblanc was a much higher priority ban against EG than it was against any other team, because teams feared giving jojo leblanc. Leblanc is popular enough that there are plenty of competent players of it, but with jojo you know the lane is about to get real spicy when he gets his hands on LB.

8. Summit, Gnar

Unfortunately, Summit took a trip to the LPL for summer. But both in the LCS and the LPL, there is one constant- you have to ban Summit's Gnar. You can't counterpick him, and he will always willingly blind it because of that. If you give Summit Gnar, you get whalloped and go next, and you will learn that it has to be in your 1-2-3 bans.

I'm sure I've missed some, but you get the general idea.

LEC Honorable mentions: Comp Caitlyn, Jeonghoon Pyke (no flame to Targa/Hyli, who also rock with it), BB Yone, Zanzarah Trundle

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over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Jozoz

I don't think what the other thread is talking about is pocket picks. Pocket picks are definitely still around and show up often. So yes, you're right iconic picks are still around but I think you misunderstand what people mean when they talk about these signature champions of old.

I guess it's hard to relay this to someone who wasn't around in 2012.

Let me use an example. Blitzcrank and Madlife.

Blitzcrank was not a meta champion. Not even close. But against Madlife, Blitzcrank was banned every. single. game. The few times it wasn't banned he was completely smurfing to an insane level.

Blitzcrank was not a "pocket pick" for Madlife. It was way beyond that. Madlife was synonymous with Blitzcrank.

Something like Finn's Kled is a pocket pick. It shows up in the right situations, but no one is completely permabanning Kled every single time Finn is in a game.

With players Froggen, Madlife, Hotshot, the entire discussion before the game even started was about their signature champions.

Madlife Blitz is overselling it a bit.

I remember when they got 3-0'd in finals and in the post-game interview, the winner said something like, "Yeah, I knew in game 3 they'd try to do something wilder, like Madlife picking Blitzcrank."

They had left it up all series. It clearly wasn't something they were afraid of. Madlife picked it in game 3 and still lost.

Still his pocket pick, though. The crowd cheered when he locked it in.