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Has Riot forgotten about Qiyana with all the TFT hype. She’s been out for close to 2 weeks and her win rate is in the low 40 range for all roles. She seems to have no changes coming on PBE. Most of the newer champs and reworks have gotten hot fix balance changes within days if not hours of release.

I think she is a very fun champ with a ton of potential. Just wondering my Riot seems to be showing her no love

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over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

We haven't forgot about her at all. Our internal data shows she has a steep mastery curve but once people get the hang of her her winrate is pretty high. She is currently matching our expected winrate start and growth chart so we haven't done anything yet.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by o___Okami

Ok, but are QOL buffs being considered to ease that mastery curve a bit?

Such as some sort of indicator of how far back an enemy will be pushed by the her ult or a more consistent way of determining this (perhaps make it so enemies are always pushed to the end of the ult indicator)?

We don't currently plan on smoothing out her mastery curve. Qiyana was designed to be a high skill Assassin for players that like those types of Champions (Zed, Riven, Yassuo players, etc.)

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by JollySpaceman

I understand she is designed to be difficult. Zed, Yassuo, and Riven as similar examples all generally hover around 50% win rates. I fear Qiyana is on a path to be more similar to Akali where she is really only good when played by the very best players in very high elo.

Guess time will tell. Thanks for the response

I doubt those champions were at 50% in there first patch unless the were very overturned at launch. We will see where her WR lands when the initial hype dies out and it’s mainly mains playing her. If needed we will make adjustments when we have a clearer understanding of where she will land long term

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by GragasBellybutton

Hey Reav3, if you can, can I ask how close is Pantheon?

Soon tm, Somewhat close, close-ish, close enough, very close, extremely close?


Somewhat close