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With the reveal of Mecha Kingdoms it seems Twitch lost his new years skin in favor of Draven. Understandably Mecha Twitch doesn’t seem like the most fitting skin but still disappointing for the rift’s recalcitrant rodent.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by Levyathyn

I believe a Rioter confirmed on the sub that there are no new Lunar Revel skins coming this year.

This is correct. No “Lunar Revel” themed skins in 2020. There will be a Twitch skin in 2020 though.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBestJackson

Hey Bellissimoh, i have a feedback about something that makes me worried in Jax's skin, like:

When we're playing Jax we have somewhat of a timer for the third attack, if we don't attack again in 2.5 seconds the third attack passive will reset, but in the MK Skin, Jax holds the third attack effect for the whole game.

1 Hit, 2 Hits. Do not do the third hit passive, because it should reset in 2.5 secs, but the skin will just hold the effect forever until the next attack and it can sometimes bamboozle Jax players.

Hey /u/TheBestJackson ! Thanks for bringing that up.

Jax's scripts were worked on this last patch and that is a bug that went live for both his base version and the skin (i.e. it's unrelated to the skin). The live team is aware and working on a fix. :)

about 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by Sittybob

Hello Bellissimoh, so will there only be no NEW lunar revel skin or no event at all? i am asking because id love to get the warring kingdoms chroma for katarina, and if theres no event at all, i dont need to have hopes at all.

The Mecha Kingdom skins are a new skin line that has been made to celebrate Lunar Revel. The thematic is a bit different from previous years, but we intend to celebrate Lunar Revel in similar fashion. (Full event Pass, re-release of precious Lunar Revel content, etc)