This is pretty much spot on. The game mode needs non-champion outputs that get players moving around the map, create ebb and flow to the action (it is desirable that sometimes teams fight for a bit, then break off the fight to trade plants, then get back to it), and create combat mini-objectives that can swing the tide of a battle that looks otherwise hopeless. Both the Plants system and the Cameos system are aimed at these goals.
If these things didn't exist, you'd see problems like: Their comp is better than ours, it's not worth playing out rounds... combat pacing is always max intensity all the time, so playing the mode is exhausting... 100% of combat power lives in champions, so the mode is excessively (i.e. beyond a dev team's ability to correct for) sensitive to balance... a swingy start to a round (e.g. one champion dies unexpectedly) removes all dramatic tension from the rest of the round... and more.
Are they too strong? They need to be strong enough to swing a fight - strong enough that it is clearly correct to play around them over just playing out a heads up 2v2 fight, or they won't succeed. That requires them to be very impactful.
(Two quick notes - the excessive respawns and starting fights spawned yesterday was a bug that has since been fixed, and the Guardian's Dirk meta of the last week is being corrected via balance)