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I haven't found any changes anywhere on patch notes not on any official pages not on reddit about any changes? The towers were weaker, I saw weird void flames around some specific towers but I couldn't read any passive on it saying anything about it. They were also weaker and the objective timers were all skewed? As if it was swiftplay. I lost a game and lp due to this and I don't understand why they would change anything in ranked without even making any mention of it? the void grubs only spawned once, around the time that the second batch of grubs should've spawned there was a rift herald. Atakhan spawned at 14 minutes and baron spawned at 17 minutes. I saw two other posts about this and they're being deleted????? Is anybody else having this issue???

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Originally posted by CorganKnight

nah nobody read those, dont wate your time. Make a post and get traction, its the only way

We read as many as possible lol this is not true