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After years of playing the game. I decided to try and get Diamond before the season ended. I know it took a lot of games. Every few games people would remind me of that and tell me I'm hard stuck.

I fell from P1 to P3 and figured my race was over but grinded it out anyway.

Saturday, Sunday, and Today. I just kept winning more than I was losing. The games all felt so intense!!

I'm so happy. I feel like I have finally been set free.

I finally did it.


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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by Peezaa

I graduated college and the pandemic has made it very difficult to get a job with my bachelor's. I've had a lot of time on my hands while job hunting.

I'm sorry, that's probably hard to deal with. What was your major in?

Also, congrats! That's an amazing achievement! I have only made Plat 2 at my best. I'd love to gift you some RP if you let me know your server.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by bbjimin


They're NA, they're the only registered user with the name TP Lovecraft + the profile matches.

Sweet! I can send him some RP today :D thanks for doing the leg work. B)

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

pls rito me too graduated (almost) me too giga nerd but gold1 next season i get plat i promise rito can i get rp and job offer ty plspls ty rito

Job offer is a bit out of my wheel house, but I can gift you a Riot Ward Skin if you'd like :)

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by Quinhos

You're amazing dude!

This year has been super sh*tty. I am just trying to spread some kindness where I can.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

at least someone appreciated my sublime comedy. IGN: Unmasked Kayle

ty bro ps check paypal

Granted! Check your inventory :)

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by Sandalman3000

The rito ward skin is one of my prized possessions. But penguin Ward when running snow day Bard makes it hard to use anymore.

We are about to be able to send the new fistbump ones too! With the new logo and everything :D

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

Bro can you answer a question I’ve had for the longest time about the relation between space and temporality and the meaning of life and death? May I ask?

I can sure try!

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

hey ^ you're a legend. I asked my question below but i think you didn't see it. I copypaste: "Silver/Judgement kayle re-release when? :D"

I'm a Kayle otp and me and many others would love to see those skins back... the only way to get them now is to buy an account, which is not very feel good. IT doesn't have to be a release of the original, maybe a new version like Neo Pax Sivir. I wait an answer with hands joined together in the gesture of prayer

I did see it but I do not have any information about it and could not articulate anything that felt good to say. I do not work on League at all nor do I have any influence on these policies.