Most of the complaints in this reddit is just circlejerking. You have people who literally uninstalled the game years ago still come here and talk shit about Riot because they have nothing better to do.
And then you have people who have no issues 99% of the time, suddenly have an issue that f**ks their promo's once and they come here raging like Riot collectively f**ked their entire family and set their home on fire.
These complaints are best ignored because they add no value.
It's not like Riot can't literally f**king see error reports and know exactly how often shit breaks. The client sends them data about every crash automatically.
Complaining on reddit is the absolute least effective means of communicating with developers. Not only are most posts missed, they're also f**king worthless because the developers get none of the data that actually helps fix the issues.
"My game crashed". Oh wow, so f**king helpful. What system configuration? Hardware? Software? Network? When did it happen? How did it happen? What's between the chair and monitor?
All of that is absent in random reddit whining. It's so pointless.