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over 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

EndGame screen is a hassle to reach. Honor screen slows the cycle. Feels redundant and unneeded. Could be better implemented without loss of honors given. Favorites has some limited use, but its expectation has yet to be met.

We have heard a lot from our community regarding End of Game (EOG), we are working on improving three things;

1 - Time to get back into the client after finishing a game

2 - Fixes for EOG freezing completely

3 - Everything around the reconnect button after finishing a game

over 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Jesus the amount of bandage fixes are astonishing.

Imagine removing experiences to make a CORE feature of the game (champ select) work better. What a complete waste of time and resources these updates are.

And what’s even more shocking is that without community persistence, the client would’ve only gotten worse. But guess what, it already is even with the legendary client team on the job; just shambles man.

Drop the ego, build from scratch 🤦🏽‍♂️

Your fault it got this point anyways, pure neglect and “if it ain’t THAT broke then why fix?” attitude.

Appreciate the feedback, we are not putting band-aid fixes

We posted the first couple of client cleanup posts to reflect the architecture work we are doing (reducing ember apps, plugins) in order to optimize code and deliver improvements. After listening to players, they do not necessarily care about us cleaning up the architecture (even though internally it's our goal), but would rather see how it would improve their experience using the client

So we put these comms posts in a position to clearly articulate what benefits players will see while cleaning up the architecture (e.g. reducing ember apps in champ select) to provide a more reliable experience.

We also wanted to be transparent, we promised players we are going to do a complete review of the UX/UI of Champ Select to see where we make performance and reliability gains. If we find a lot of players are using the features we listed, we will keep them, and also fix/optimize them

over 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by League_of_Halp_Pls

Any talk on addressing the massive .tmp files in players have been reporting in patch 10.21? Seems like a pretty significant issue

But I have definitely noticed their efforts in improving champ select. There was a few months where, idk if it was my internet or what, but I could randomly freeze on 0 seconds at any point in champ select for entire minutes, and if my pick was during that time it would force a dodge. I have t had that issue for at least a few patches now, so great work on their end fixing that.

Yes, that is an issue outside of the client.

I am getting updates from the team looking into that issue and it seems as though the game engine is crashing before getting back into the client successfully. I can assure you we have a team looking into it.


over 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by yiw999

I feel like every time one of these posts come up, they're so hand wavy. Even the sparse data that they show isn't helping their case that progress is being made. Like, wow, saving 1.6 mb of memory leakage from wards in champ select is not worth even mentioning when they say in the same paragraph that there's over 100 mb of memory leakage just for using champ select.

With the first set of memory fixes, yes they were small, but we had to make sure everything else remained stable. We have a good number of additional memory improvements we are launching very soon, which should improve the reliability of Champ Select and the client, and it is larger than 1.6 MB overall :)

over 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by TechnalityPulse

Does that 1.6 MB leak fix apply to every time someone opens the ward skin/summoner spell/whatever was causing it?

If so it's a pretty big fix long-term for people who (I have no idea why they think this is a good idea but they do it anyway) leave the client open overnight, or for multiple hours. Definitely appreciate the fixes being applied here. I don't know how many times I see someone complain about their client running poorly and when I ask how long they've had it open they say "I constantly leave it open for 3 days at a time" or something.

if you set both wards and spells, yes, every time. And we have ran our tool to capture a lot of these leaks. for example, every time you visit match history, there is a leak. So with the fixes we are putting in in the next couple patches, we expect those leaks to stop, which would reduce the memory footprint game after game

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Fictitious1267


  • Why doesn't the rune page auto save after every click. Clicking a save button seems like extremely old tech.
  • Why does the rune page need it's own popup that requires you to move in and out of during champ select? Why is it not integrated in the champ select window so you do not need to open and close windows while performing other tasks?
  • The ability to scroll wheel through skins, rather than spam clicking.

For players: If you have issues with memory leaks and other ember issues related to that, set your client to close while in game. This will forcefully reboot your client regularly so it never builds up. It's not that bad of a wait after a game with the improved boot up time.

Appreciate the feedback. You have some really interesting ideas that I want to present to the team. There's likely a number of technical issues and limitations that prevent us from implementing these types of changes, but I think they at least worth looking into.

In regards to the 'set client to close in game' - it's not a bad idea but I think the experience can be a bit janky since there are more stutters and less feedback given than if the client remained open. I'm not sure if this option actually 'reboots' the client but if people are really struggling with their end game experience, it could be worth a shot.

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainCaptainBain

Piggybacking to add:

  • The rune page, as it is now, works horrendously when you're on the secondary tree and want to change one of the runes while staying in the same rune path. For example, you have Presence of Mind and Cut Down, and want to swap one of those for Legend: Tenacity, but the client randomly picks which one you want to replace, instead of replacing the one you tried to edit.

This should hopefully get a lot better next patch. Sit tight!

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by popegonzo

I don't think this is directly related to the client - maybe the in-game client, but last night I started closing my out of game client during the match & it helped at first but not always:

I get either a memory leak or some kind of network problem while I'm playing League with a web browser open (ie I've got spotify going in the background or something). Even with the one window open, and I've tried Firefox/Chrome/Edgium to no avail, eventually it just bogs my game down until I close the browser. I tried just powering through it & it actually DC'd me from the game until I closed the browser.

It may well be a PC problem to troubleshoot, but I only noticed it start happening maybe a month or two ago, and I don't see it happening with other games.

Is the client cleanup involving the in-game client, or is it only the out of game client?

Edit for posterity: I'm fairly strongly convinced it's a browser ad. It happens frequently on u.gg, and it happens occasionally on other sites. My next step is to turn on an ad blocker & see if that does it.

That's really strange. This shouldn't be related to League Client (unless its been open for a long time). I've seen this with Chrome before and had to exit out of that but I'm not really sure, sorry!