I guess the question is why? Who is going AP rell lol, if anything this is a ninja buff to Sylas since now he can do 110% AP if he steals her ult...
I guess the question is why? Who is going AP rell lol, if anything this is a ninja buff to Sylas since now he can do 110% AP if he steals her ult...
It shows Gangplank under updated, but all I see is a change in the Bug Fix/QoL section. Is that really all of it or did something get left out?
yep! wanted to call attention to his new ult upgrade interface :)
Interesting that Rell is getting just flat buffs after they initially planned for nerfs to her, especially since she seems really strong. Also, did they revert one of the Seraphine nerfs? Thought they were lowing her self-shield bonus
yep, sera got a bump down both in her ally and self shield! her ally shield goes off of her self shield, so it was meant to be imply that both are decreased. in other words, her ally shield is 50-100
and her self shield is now 75-150
going to update the notes with this, thank u :)
/u/GreaterBelugaWhale also said they will look into Sett right after worlds patch after his last nerf. Right...after... worldspatch...
and he was looked at. champs a 50% winrate across the board in top lane with moderate pressence in pro - seems pretty ideal