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Letality: 18>20

Currently the item gives the most Letality out of every item, beating out even Mythics.

It's already a good 1st Item rush (before Umbral became flavor if the month), due to amazing stats it gives, plus the Passive/Active MS

Now it's basically gonna be mandatory no?

It's curious how other Pen items, be it magic/aramor are getting nerfed, but Youmuu's is getting a buff

I wonder what's their goal tbh, wasn't lowering damage/one shots the whole point of patch 12.10?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Pletterpet

Kinda woried riot is going to completely forget that most mages are going to be hit hard in 12.10. Let ad assasins be weak for a couple patches please. I want to be able to play Orianna again

A big part of my work these past few months (and the upcoming months) was helping ensure we have no blind spots.