almost 6 years ago - /u/LeagueOfLegends - Direct link

EDIT: Thanks for all your questions! That's the end of our Yuumi AMA! We'll continue to bop into the thread throughout the day and answer as we can.


Put down your yarn and give back that laser pointer! It's time to wake up from a cat nap and ask your Yuumi questions. Starting now, feel free to post your questions and the team will teleport through Book to answer them from 11:00 AM PT to 1:30 PM PT.

These purrrfect felines will be on the hunt for your questions:

/u/Reav3 - Production | /u/RiotMaxw3ll - Design | /u/Jellbug - Narrative | /u/Auberaun - QA | /u/Riot_Koyuncu - QA | /u/RiotLtRandolph - Engineering | /u/RiotCattlegrid - Animation | /u/RiotZhanos - QA | /u/RiotKazdoo - Dev Management | /u/Riot-iZac - VFX | /u/Riot_Earp - Art | /u/lauramichet - Narrative | /u/shioshoujo - Comms

Yuumi Information:

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