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Hey, The tooltip states that every 4 seconds he gains a buff on the first auto attack. This does not match with the actual game play at all, unless I am missing something. The wiki doesn't mention this either. Tested it in game and it has a regular 11 sec cooldown at level one, as is stated as the cooldown in the tooltip aswell.

Any ideas?


Edit: The extended tooltip https://imgur.com/a/XEk7CHC Getting the cooldown below 4 seconds, does not cap the cooldown to 4 seconds.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Yeah tbh I have no idea what's goin on here. I'll take a look

almost 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by alolololo123

A ton of stuff is missing from kled's tooltips, from the top of my head:

Passive: No mention of: dismounted ms loss, increased dismounted attack range, no info on how much courage you get for attacking things. No mention that the passive has a cooldown!!!! Also, no mention of the knockback when dismounted, but that is not that important

dismounted q: no mention of how much courage it gives

E: no mention of minions knockback, or that there is a range to your e recast.

R: does not display minimum dmg (a lot of other similar abilities do).

Hope I got everything

Thanks I'll probably dedicate some time to doing a tooltip pass on Kled in the near future; kinda lame to leave them in this state for so long.

almost 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Sluukje

I think a lot of tooltips could use some work to be honest. Wouldn’t it be an idea to ask some general feedback on here regarding tooltips and check out the top comments or something?

I unfortunately don't have infinite time to log all the feedback right now, and a lot of tooltip inaccuracies are actually logged somewhere internally. I just saw this Kled one (and his tooltips in general) to be pretty significantly off and believe they warrant sooner iteration.

I imagine as I get more time I'll be able to hit some other tooltips as well in the near future.