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Hey all, Aldonall from LoLTheory.gg here! Welcome back to The Review, where I use tables and numbers to talk about what Riot's most recent balance patch actually affected, and by how much.

Check Out the 10.12 Notes Here

10.12 was a fun one, with changes to a bunch of crowd favorites (Akali, Yasuo), as well as massive improvements for Volibear. On top of all that, a bunch of runes saw improvement, especially Ghost and Predator. Read on.

Champion Changes:

Champion Role Change WR 10.11 ⇒ WR 10.12 PR 10.11 ⇒ PR 10.12
Akali Top Buff 45.62%  ⇗  46.93% 2.03%  ⇗  2.87%
Akali Middle Buff 45.85%  ⇗  47.38% 3.43%  ⇑  5.17%
Brand Middle Buff 46.73%  ⇘  45.54% 0.27%  ⇒  0.45%
Brand Support Buff 49.51%  ⇒  48.59% 2.53%  ⇒  2.68%
Cassiopeia Middle Nerf 51.53%  ⇒  51.69% 5.49%  ⇘  4.91%
Cassiopeia Bottom Nerf 52.98%  ⇒  52.82% 0.97%  ⇒  0.77%
Fiddlesticks Jungle Nerf 52.53%  ⇒  52.03% 8.27%  ⇘  7.42%
Senna Bottom Buff ---  ⇒  50.64% ---  ⇒  1.50%
Senna Support Buff 50.06%  ⇒  49.65% 12.71%  ⇗  14.26%
Trundle Jungle Nerf 51.83%  ⇘  49.69% 6.25%  ⇘  4.82%
Varus Bottom Nerf 50.72%  ⇘  49.14% 11.66%  ⇘  8.13%
Viktor Middle Buff 48.82%  ⇒  48.41% 2.53%  ⇑  4.54%
Volibear Top Buff 41.45%  ⇑  50.31% 5.11%  ⇑  6.97%
Volibear Jungle Buff 41.83%  ⇑  51.62% 3.45%  ⇗  4.66%
Xayah Bottom Buff 48.35%  ⇒  48.78% 4.35%  ⇗  5.67%
Yasuo Top Nerf 48.61%  ⇘  47.52% 1.84%  ⇒  1.72%
Yasuo Middle Nerf 50.25%  ⇘  49.22% 10.77%  ⇘  9.80%
Yasuo Bottom Nerf 51.89%  ⇘  50.55% 2.46%  ⇒  2.25%


  • Akali: Oh boy, here we go again...

  • Brand: This doesn't look like it... did much of anything?

  • Volibear: Oh dear. That's a WR spike if I've ever seen one. Nearly 10% in both top and jungle. Spooky.

  • Yasuo: I don't know if I'll ever not cheer for Yasuo nerfs.


Other Winners/Losers:

Champion Role Change WR 10.11 ⇒ WR 10.12 PR 10.11 ⇒ PR 10.12
Annie Middle Meta 51.72%  ⇗  52.79% 2.76%  ⇒  2.68%
Rumble Middle Meta 49.89%  ⇗  50.94% 2.07%  ⇒  1.85%
Udyr Jungle Meta 51.49%  ⇗  52.50% 1.27%  ⇒  1.23%
Ashe Bottom Meta 52.04%  ⇘  50.84% 8.40%  ⇗  10.07%
Illaoi Top Meta 51.01%  ⇘  49.67% 2.17%  ⇒  2.07%
Kled Top Meta 52.41%  ⇘  51.18% 3.19%  ⇒  3.09%
Kog'Maw Bottom Meta 52.59%  ⇘  51.55% 1.74%  ⇒  1.80%
Lucian Top Meta 46.69%  ⇘  45.61% 1.43%  ⇒  1.17%
Olaf Jungle Meta 51.23%  ⇘  50.14% 5.63%  ⇒  5.66%
Syndra Bottom Meta 49.34%  ⇘  48.20% 1.18%  ⇒  1.27%
Yorick Top Meta 51.18%  ⇘  50.00% 1.75%  ⇒  1.72%

TL;DR: While these champions weren't changed directly, their WR/PR was influenced either by meta changes, or the many changes to runes. With big changes to predator and ghost last patch, you can see how champions like Illaoi, Udyr, Olaf, and Annie saw performance spikes.



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over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

I haven't played her yet, but I assume the increase in winrate to Akali was because she can now oneshot backline at level 9 again? That would explain the large bump

(not on the balance team, just a bad mid player)

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

I always wonder how would be working at Riot?, Can you just stand up and look at the balance team with a "shame on you" face? xD

The balance team usually hit the mark, Reddit just likes to amplify negative opinions and doesn't really talk about positive opinions.


over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by MattRazz

I saw your flair and thought you were commenting from the balance team, but turns out it was just a red herring

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Barb0ssaEUW

/u/riotaredherring take a look at Perkz' statement:


Then you will know why it is not just Reddit reinforcing negativity for no reason, there is a good reason why the Balance team is receiving huge and justifiable criticism!

I mean, Perkz suggests that the Rakan change (70-270>>70-290) on W won't affect Rakan til 17-18, which is incorrect. Most Rakan players in solo queue are maxing W at the moment, according to every third party source I could find (such as op.gg etc). Maybe Rakan is skilled differently in pro play, but this will be a buff to him in levels of play where more frequent aggressive play takes place. I don't know that it will make him significantly better than other strong enchanters like Lulu, but it's still going to help somewhat.

there is a good reason why the Balance team is receiving huge and justifiable criticism!

I think it's fair to criticize the balance team for some decisions they may, as I said, sometimes they miss the mark, but people tend to point to a single choice and say 'this is the reason why the balance team should be criticized!' and ignore all the other changes that are uncontroversial.

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by kakaleyte

The balance team usually hit the mark

Hitting the mark is easy if you are the one who is setting the mark. The real question is though, what if those marks are the wrong ones sometimes?

'Hit the mark' here means 'They meet my expectations as a player'. I have no involvement in any balance decision, though I play League enough that I do have particular expectations :)

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by kakaleyte

I'm Diamond 1 right now and i only play marksman champions in the bot lane. Unfortunately they clearly don't meet my expectations. Would you mind if i ask your op gg?

You and I are allowed to have different expectations. I think that, in general, the balance team make the right decisions.

As an AD main, I am sure you have some thoughts on the state of the game right now and my op.gg is not going to change those, it's just going to give you something to attack or justify that your opinions are better than mine.

I personally think TTK in the game right now is too low, which is part of the reason AD feels so weak to play, but I also acknowledge it may be difficult to change that in the middle of the season. The competitive meta appears to be shifting towards a more AD-centric game, but it's still really bursty which makes it unforgiving of mistakes and makes crit ADCs, which are disproportionately less mobile, much more punishing to play.

Right now I am Diamond 4 - I barely played any ranked this season, literally only played my placement games in March and stopped playing, hit Diamond this weekend and had a really unlucky stream of games during that weekend. I peaked at Master tier in August last season. So, while my rank is not as good as yours currently, it's definitely high enough to have a qualified opinion on how the game works.

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by kakaleyte

Players' expectations are very different in relation to which mmr they are playing in. I can't relate with silver, gold players. They are just bad at the game and their expectations are mostly invalid, no good for balance team.

I don't attack people unless they attack first. A few Rioters attack the community and pro players here though.

I'm not aware of anyone at Riot 'attacking' the community or pro players.

They are just bad at the game and their expectations are mostly invalid, no good for balance team.

The game is still balanced around different levels of play, so I don't think it's fair to say that their opinions are invalid. They might not necessarily be amateur pro players, but the majority of the players of the game are in those ranks and so if something is overtuned to them that's something that should be addressed in some cases (I agree with you in other cases; if a player is failing a skill check, like losing lane due to poor wave manipulation, they should learn to beat that skill check rather than nerfing the champion that abuses poor wave manipulation)