Spells like Nami's Aqua Prison, Brand's W or Vel's E have a travel time or delayed cast, but it always says "After a short while", I know we can manually time these and through experience you can get the timing down to a T, but why do other skills like Redemption or Fizz ult have an exact timing 2.5s and 2.0s respectively. Seems like a minor oversight.
It sometimes helps if you're playing a champion for the first time.
EDIT: The 3 spells I mentioned have the same cast time regardless of distance. There are also skills that some people mentioned like Ahri's Q not telling you how much movement speed you gain by casting it.
EDIT2: I was thinking something along the lines of advanced tooltips (If you've played Diablo 3 before) where you can turn on these numbers in the tooltip if you wanna see them.
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