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Riot Phlox Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 12.3

Hey all!

Pretty interesting patch coming your way. We're adjusting the fighter system to be less health skewed (more info tomorrow). We've also got some changes for pro champs and Ahri among others!

If you missed it, Chem Terrain was disabled in a hotfix today.

Whatcha think?

Imgur (image) link: https://imgur.com/a/iFT8Fhb

>>> Champion Buffs <<<



>>> Champion Nerfs <<<






Pyke (Mid)

Twisted Fate


Glacial on Janna

>>> Champion Adjustments <<<



>>> System Adjustments <<<

Turbo Chemtank



Trinity Force

Steraks Gage

Death's Dance

Black Cleaver

Ravenous Hydra

Maw of Malmortius


Hearthbound Axe

Blade of the Ruined King

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by SpasticNerd

We're adjusting the fighter system to be less health skewed

are they planning on reducing the hp on these items ? damage is way too high, bruisers already one shot adcs

So I'll be dropping more context tomorrow, but when a light fighter can act as a proxy frontliner AND kill you theyre extremely messed up.

The class should be high risk high reward, but when they're tanky, they're just low risk high reward, able to kill you without risking death themselves. Obv there's some hyperbole here but that's the tldr

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Stylahz

Please u/RiotPhlox any update on Rengar it’s been 2 months and still haven’t heard anything about him

I was doing a bunch of fighter stuff etc sorry! I should be able to update y'all soon

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by moody_P

what about juggernauts? what am i supposed to do then?

Juggernauts should still feel like they have good items. They're less sensitive than the skirmishers because they tend to happily dip into tank items

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by moody_P

what about more damage-invested juggernauts like illaoi and aatrox? we still need the HP since we have so much backloaded damage but we build a lot more into dmg than a darius would, generally. plus yk illaoi having like 20% of the healing she had in s10, bit rough innit mate

I think these kinds of juggernauts will be quite happy still, and if they're not we'll adjust. Case by case or systemically depending on the issue