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For the last two months, I've been getting increased ping during peak hours (20ping to 160ping) I've noticed other players have been suffering as well within my games. Always fellow east coast Verizon Fios users. Is there any incoming fix regarding this issue? or anything i can do?

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about 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

EDIT 3: Update 25/1: Routing changes have proven effective and Verizon performance has looked stable for the past couple of nights now. If you are still experiencing any issues please log a player support ticket so they can get the right log data needed to triage this properly. If you're not a Verizon user, this is not the problem impacting you. Please log a player support ticket. There's kind of a recurring theme here. Logging player support tickets will help us help you when it comes to chronic network conditions, if it is something within our power to fix or work around. We also have a resource at www.lagreport.com that you can use to see if other people on your ISP have similar performance problems during different times of the day in different locations.

EDIT 2: Changes were made to routing this morning to send Verizon outbound from our Chicago LOL servers to a different provider. Monitoring so far looks good and we're keeping an eye on it as the number of games increases through the afternoon and evening peak.

EDIT: No more data needed - I have enough, thanks to those who sent over details.

Can you please log tickets with player support if you experience chronic issues. This helps with visibility on our end. Can you also please reply with a traceroute to and the first 3 octets of your IP address. Please obfuscate the last one. It’s not necessary for me to know your exact IP to investigate. If you are not comfortable posting this information you can DM it to me or you can log a player support ticket. Thanks.

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by worthlesston

I'm not sure about other east coasters, but it is fairly unpredictable on a game by game basis. Will you (or someone else on the team) check this thread tomorrow when we get another surge of lag? I just finished an ARAM where I was fine but my wife (same room, nearly identical hardware, same software, same internet) was sitting at 150 ping with occasional spikes of well over 1k. Running the traceroute just after the game shows 3 hops, each <5 ms. I will DM the full thing to you though.

I forgot Verizon don't want their customers being able to run traces so they effectively block them on their network edge.

I've been through some stats across multiple games and can see it's only impacting League and looks to be one of the two carriers we send traffic for Verizon to in Chicago. It might be trial and error on our part to see which of these two it is and making sweeping route policy changes late on a Sunday evening is not the best idea. We'll do some more digging and make some path adjustments tomorrow before peak. If it runs fine through peak, we've likely found the culprit. If it gets worse than we know to revert and go the other way.

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Mmrysignal

I pinged the ip you provided and it is timed out. This game is unplayable any more due to this serve lag. Other games are all normal to me. Only lol is lagging. It started one or two months ago and was improved for certain days but now is completely unplayable. The characters are hoping on the map now.

This is not the Verizon problem this thread is about. Please log a player support ticket at http://support.riotgames.com

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by tnmw


Can confirm the stats for Verizon were not good but this was not the same problem. Looks like it was possibly an outage of some sort as the packet loss went through the roof. Going to be keeping an eye on it through evening peak again tonight to see what we can do. I'll try and wrangle some contacts at Verizon as well to see if we can find a better long term solution to this as well.

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Fatblard

I have an ongoing case with Verizon Executive relations about problems with ping spikes/jitter for about 2 weeks now and the same issues as described in this post. https://imgur.com/a/FZzT4rG https://imgur.com/a/4pAtZXd These are logs for 6 and 24 hours a week and a half ago. This sort of jitter is abnormal correct RiotKorensky? It seems alter.net and Verizon-gni.net are both owned by Verizon

Yes - hop 1 there is bad. You will probably hear them tell stories about how ICMP is de-prioritized but this looks like congestion or over-subscription on your access segment / last mile, assuming that the first hop you are seeing here is the PON ONU. They should be inspecting counters on your OLT for errors as part of triage here to make sure there's nothing specific to your drop that may be the cause.

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by TrundleTop1

bell canada in ontario (this is east coast near new york) has the same issue its 100% because I asked 10 people in game who used bell and all of them are lagging, it says the ping is 20 but im deadass playing on like 150+ my character glides and damage doesnt register until a second later please help please its so unplayable

Bell Canada was a different problem. It should have been mitigated late last night and stats for Bell are OK this evening. It is a big Internet. Lots of things break. Lots of things move around.