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I think it would be safe to define mid elo as upper Gold all the way to mid Diamond, as a generous statement. That's something like the top 25-30% of players.

If someone is in the top 25-30% players, they're probably not your average casual logging on and having fun without looking at the meta builds playing a couple times a week. What's likely is they're a competitive person and have a better average understanding of the game, and what might be the cause of them losing. If you were to tell a mid elo player "this champion is really strong in platinum but falls off in master", they would probably put the pieces together about what makes that so instead of being completely perplexed and demanding nerfs for the champion.

Why is it that we're balancing the game for anything but low elo/unranked play where the majority of players are and thus we can't have things like 60% winrate Amumu terrorizing the game, and high elo play which represents how the game is meant to be played?

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about 5 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

that mention completely shook my understanding of how riot operates. i didn't realize they were actually balancing for mid elo games at all which would explain a lot of confusing buffs/nerfs i've seen

Would encourage you to check out this link. The criteria within the 4 buckets are being iterated on and I don't think we've released any further updates, but the 4 buckets are still correct in that those are the bands of play considered.

about 5 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Magehunter_Skassi

Hey, appreciate the response. I remember seeing that article posted here back when it was first published, although incorrectly remembered the four buckets as being three.

Just a few short questions about that if you had a bit more time: What would you (or more broadly speaking, the balance team) consider to be mid elo? It was a term used in the recent 10.1 patchnotes to explain Kassadin's nerf. Would that be synonymous with the skilled play bucket, or be somewhere in the average play bucket?

Unsure unfortunately. Usually we still reference those buckets internally so I'm not sure why we went with mid elo here (but I'm neither on the balance team nor a comms person so I might be missing context). If I had to guess "mid tier" would be approximately gold, which rides the line between average/skilled, which may be why we went with mid tier in this situation.