If your support gets caught by enemy Blitz a couple times, it’s annoying. I get it. But if you troll them, you’re clouding their head with more frustration, shame, and/or comebacks instead of playing well. Isn’t that obvious? There’s no ambiguity when it gets to the point where Blitz grabs them again while they’re responding to you.
“Inting?” Really? The only thing your support is intentionally doing is to playing a game—and the thankless inglorious role of support no less. Why would they intentionally feed the enemy, making it harder for the adc they‘re trying to support?
The only one “intentionally” making things worse is the toxic player with the bad attitude dragging everyone down, and preventing a possible comeback.
Oh by the way, to anyone thinking about posting “this sounds like it happened to you,” or “lol u mad,” yes.
Edit: I’m mostly wondering why this is such a widespread issue because people put so much effort into improving their game, from watching videos online, studying the pros, even subscribing to online coaching sessions. This seems like a super impactful, free way to get themselves a higher win rate, but so many players just leave that money on the table.
Edit 2: I have been enlightened about the ability to default mute chat. I also have come face-to-face with the reality some people simply don’t care as much as I do, and furthermore, I might care too much. Thank you for the insight. Finally, my apologies for making what is apparently a common post on this board...
But if it is, I think that’s saying something.