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A lot of players get "ranked restricted" because of their toxicity, meaning they have to play 5 normal games before being able to play ranked again. In order to do that, a lot of these players queue up in quickplay in duoQ with a throwaway account that is only there to stand AFK in the fountain and force a remake. They do that 5 times in a row, and get to play ranked again.

This results in wasting A LOT of other people's time. I had to sit through two remakes in a row after waiting for 20 minutes in queue between each game.

This has been talked about on Reddit for a while now, and Riot still won't do anything about it. What is your opinion on that?


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12 months ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by The1DayGod

I am shocked that remakes count toward the 5 games. Definitely should be a requirement to win games.

This is fixed for 14.6.