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over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Do these changes apply to norms? I don’t play ranked because of the shit punishment system. But guess what? The same problems exist in normals.

I don’t wanna hear “it’s just norms”. Do we tolerate extreme toxicity / game ruining behaviour when we play pick-up ball?


Yes, these changes apply to normal queues. The exception is the LP consolation changes.

over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by xCavas

Regarding the leaver/afks. Some people just click here and there every few mins to avoide leaver buster but still stay in base afk. I mean when a champ hasnt left the fountain for 5min is save to say they are not playing the game. It shouldnt be that easy to "out play" a leaver buster.


We have in-flight work to directly improve our detection of these exact behaviors. They're not quite ready for launch yet, but they are showing improvements in test.

over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by CoUsT

/u/CodeofBear is there a chance that there will be tech blog post explaining what and how did you create behavioral systems and the results? I really love the tech blog posts that you guys make.

I'd love to have the team give insight into the tech decisions and architecture. Some of these problems have unique and challenging solutions under the hood.