about 4 years
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Sunday Lolz!
Diving fountain to...
😇Help a teammate penta
😈Steal a teammate's penta
Which are you?
🎨 @doktordan10
#SundayComics http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eto5pdtUcAgEB-y.jpg
Heads up, due to a bug patch 13.1B has been temporarily rolled back. We are currently working on a solution and expect this to be resolved within the next few hours. Ranked queues have been disabled in the meantime. Thank you for your patience.
Get ready for an out-of-this-world patch, it’s 13.3! ⭐Aurelion Sol Champion Gameplay Update 🦊Ahri Visual Gameplay Update for 100% fulffier tails 🦸Melee support quality of life buffs ➡️ https://t.co/XmSl9HZPdN https://t.co/bZY3vuO9xB