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Dark Star: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1234902522525036544?s=19
RPG: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1234902779132620800?s=19
Dark Cosmic & Cosmic Lux: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1234903062910840832?s=19
Lux Splasharts: https://twitter.com/moobeat/status/1234902956639686656?s=09

SO MANY SKINS!! And another 'mirror' skin and this time its for Lux, its her second one I guess? Love the skins for the low playrate champions in this patch. Lux seems to be padding all of them I guess?

Still no Fiddle REE

EDIT: Malphite is getting Prestige but it still needs more polish https://twitter.com/KateyAnthony/status/1234907234443776001?s=19

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about 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by MrMulligan

Taric, Twitch, and Talon skins are all so good. I've been fairly consistently unhappy in some capacity every skin batch for the past year or so, but this f**king rules.

I'm normally not a big fan of Dark Star either but these are all really good. Weakest is Malphite, but that's mostly because Malphite is kind of lame in general (even if I enjoy him in ARAM).

The Lux skins are good too, although I am literally never buying another Lux skin since I have the ultimate already.

edit: this does make me wish the older RPG skins were 1350s, cause that is a massive lost opportunity we can't get back. Oh well. At least the skinline is back.

We do hope that bumping the RPG line up to 1350 serves the thematic a bit better. We’re fans of it and hope to see it continue assuming players do too. :)

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by TehRudeSandstrm

Assuming this is gonna be the normal version of Malphite's Prestige skin then.

ALSO there's no way in hell these Lux skins weren't worked on by Sirhaian considering they were brought in for the Jax skin too, right?

Edit: Confirmed :DD

Just for full disclosure, I work full-time at Riot now (and have done so for two years now), so there's no need to bring me in anymore hahaha.

(And yes I just HAD to work on those two skins!)

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by Stewbodies

They're amazing, huge fan!

How'd you get into this line of work, how'd you get this gig?

Thanks! My experience was pretty linear and basic: learned game art at school, decided to learn VFX online, made some fan arts, got a first job, then applied to Riot and eventually got in.

about 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRatInTheWalls

While I'm very excited about the thematic opportunities, the 750 skin band is depressingly barren. Do they just not sell well?

Correct they do not perform well. Not only do not that many people buy those skins, but even fewer actually use them once they own them.

about 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by Predatoratorr

man idk if you're going to read this, but props to you and everyone who worked on the xerath skin, 5 years were definitely worth the wait (also gorgeus splashart!) thank you! i'm really optimistic for skarner!

Here’s hoping that you won’t have to wait another 5 for the next one. :)

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by SaengerDruide

Could you make the bright Lux skin's E make some ripples like a water surface after a stone fell in? Would be a handy little Easter egg for gravitational waves.

They are in there! I just had to tone it down a lot so it's barely noticeable because it was interfering with gameplay too much. :c

about 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRatInTheWalls

Fair enough, never mind then. Thank you for contributing to a game I've loved for a decade.

Thank you for continuing to play and support it. :)