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So I took a long break due to personal reasons, and I decided I wanted to hop back into the game. I had to recover my password but I got the email to reset the password and everything was good since I had made a riot account in the past.

I login to league... only to find that everything is gone and a new no name account is sitting there. Absolutely everything is gone. All the skins, all the champions I worked to unlock through the years. everything.

No warning nothing sent in my email about my account ever being deleted. I do not understand and am super heartbroken. There were some rare skins I loved, and I worked hard unlocking stuff with childhood friends. I didn't even have my user name when in the dashboard of the actual game.

Is there anything that can be done, because if not I really have no desire to play this game ever again if this is what happens to old time players.

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3 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link


If you file a ticket with our player support folks they can hopefully help you out.

Any chance you used a different email account for your original LoL account, then created a second account using the email you password reset with today? I've seen that happen before to people and similar resulting confusion. I don't think we ever reset accounts that have had a meaningful number of games played on them, let alone enough time spent to unlock all champs