Original Post — Direct link
over 7 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by BlackCrystal

we’ll tune down the relative value of the essence you get from disenchanting shards of all types

we need to “scale up” the amount of blue essence you get when disenchanting shards

Aren't these two sentences the opposite of each others?

And I like everything about this system besides one .. They lower the amount of orange essence you can get because they merge IP and BE and give you free champ shards to get BE? So that basicly means that obtaining skins from shards will become even harder now when they downscale the amount of orange essence? Meh!

Dude I had the EXACT same question when I was reading through this. But the gist is that the VALUE of the essence is scaling down, while the AMOUNT is scaling up.

Does that make sense?