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I swear I am legit euphoric like when something good happens to me IRL, lol. It's incredible!

As you can see from the icon of that item ( which is basically what you're gonna build to counter the new morde's R ) it's basically the weapon that the old version of morde used to wield in combat.

Not only it's super cool, but it also makes perfect sense. If you own the weapon of the lord of death, you can escape the realm of death.

Since I don't like the rework that much and I started to main Illaoi ( which new morde kinda counters ) I banned him for the whole season, I just didn't want to see him. But now I am never gonna do it again for pure roleplaying reasons. It will feel absolutely satisfying building that item against him. I will do it every game.

Please do not change that icon, thanks :P

PS: All the other juggernaut item's icons are wonderful aswell. I really like them.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Kindlejack - Direct link

Just for you homie ;)