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Im relatively new to the competitive league of legends scene so ihavent ben around for most of the greatest moments in its history. My question is which worlds series (or game) was the buggest upset of them all?

Could be a minor region taking down a titan, or a dark horse exceeding everyones expectations. I would love to hear what you all have to share. :)

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over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ManEggs

And something I always love to point out is that at one point in that group, ANX were 4-1, with their last remaining game against the 0-5 G2, while ROX were 3-2, their last game being against the 3-2 CLG who had beaten them previously.

ANX had to stay on stage, playing ROX and G2 back to back. With that game against ROX going 50 minutes, they were no doubt gassed. If they had beaten the 0-5 G2, they would have taken first with no tiebreaker.

A wildcard topping the group 5-1... now that would have been legendary.

And that was with their support player not playing his core champion pool. That year, his most-played picks were Zyra and Brand but didn’t play them at Worlds.

Then the quarterfinals onward was basically defined by Zyra support and her counter in Ashe-MF.

over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Snufflebox

It was my first year of watching Worlds, but from what I understand, their champion pool in general was very unorthodox, making them very weird to play against for the bigger teams.

Likkrit with his Taric and Kira's Anivia in particular, with PvPStejos going demon mode on Nidalee in multiple games.

Also, Likkrit did play Brand in one game, against G2.

Ah, thanks for the correction.

over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ilanf2

If I remember, he didn't play them cause they were perma banned against him, right?

I don’t recall them receiving many bans.