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So this is a thought I had. I'm a long time player of this game (over 10 years), I obviously love the game since I've been here for 10 years. If I hated the game, I would have been gone ages ago.

In the past few years, I've had this feeling that the game just gets slightly worse for me every time a new champion is released.

I NEVER have any desire to play these new champions. They are just not for me. Same thing with reworks, when my champions get reworked, I just have 1 less champion to play.

Often times, I catch myself thinking how much better the game would be if we just deleted some of these champions.

I know this is a complete boomer post, but does anyone feel the same way? Maybe the game just isn't for me anymore? How do you deal with this problem if you also face it?

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about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Naerlyn

If this is supposed to be a comment about how many words Bel'veth has on the wiki, the Details section of Illaoi's E alone contains 15% more words than Bel'veth's entire kit. 45% if you then also include the ability.

I see folks also use the wiki as their source of info for learning what a new champ does from scratch, which it's not the best at since it has way more detail than is really needed to get going. The client is a better resource for this since that's what we write those short descriptions and include videos for. Once you have the basic grasp of what a character does, the wiki is great for hunting down the details if you want to get into optimizing playing as and against. For all that Bel'Veth passive text, the client description is

Bel'veth gains permanent attack speed stacks after taking down large minions and monsters and champions. She also gains temporary bonus attack speed after using an ability.

and that's enough detail to grasp it. If you're now interested in "how do I optimally cycle my abilities to keep passive uptime", or "how does Riot numerically tune infinitely scaling attack speed" you can read the wiki version.