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Hi there!

My name is Beau "Protroid" LaManna, and I am a Shoutcaster, Tournament Organizer, and Esports Consultant. I would not be any of those things without League of Legends.

Since its LoL's 10th Anniversary, I figured that it would be interesting to share stories of why League of Legends is special to us, why we keep coming back to play, and some of the memories its forged over the years.

For me, I jokingly tell people that I fell into Esports by accident. A college tournament needed a shoutcaster and I loved making comments about games. A little while later, I came across the folks at CompeteLeague, one of the largest Online Amateur ESports Leagues in League of Legends history, and was brought on as a Shoutcaster. Through CL, I met hundreds of passionate players that wanted to make League better. Some by building tournaments, some by honing their craft as shoutcasters, production managers, or observers, and some by simply being the best players they could be on and off the rift.

If it wasn't for League, I would not have met some of my closest friends today. Just as we should celebrate all of the moments that have lead up to this point in League, we should also take time to celebrate the people we've met, bonds we've forged, and the plays we've made, both as individuals and a community as a whole.

So r/LeagueOfLegends, why is League of Legends important to you?

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over 5 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Hey buddy, glad to see you're still around :)