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Cloud9 1-3 FlyQuest
Congratulations to FlyQuest for locking a spot at the World Championships! C9 must play through the loser's bracket in order to qualify for Worlds.
Player of the Series: Santorin
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MATCH 1: C9 vs. FLY
Winner: FlyQuest in 30m
Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
C9 | trundle graves caitlyn | orianna leblanc | 47.4k | 4 | 2 | None |
FLY | kalista olaf sett | jayce gangplank | 58.5k | 18 | 11 | M1 H2 O3 H4 C5 B6 |
C9 | 4-18-12 | vs | 18-4-52 | FLY |
Licorice vladimir 3 | 1-3-3 | TOP | 1-1-13 | 3 shen Solo |
Blaber nocturne 3 | 2-7-2 | JNG | 3-2-10 | 1 Lillia Santorin |
Nisqy twisted fate 2 | 0-3-4 | MID | 7-0-9 | 4 azir PowerOfEvil |
Zven ezreal 1 | 1-3-1 | BOT | 6-0-9 | 1 ashe WildTurtle |
Vulcan yuumi 2 | 0-2-2 | SUP | 1-1-11 | 2 thresh IgNar |
MATCH 2: C9 vs. FLY
Winner: Cloud9 in 27m
Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
C9 | Lillia graves caitlyn | orianna corki | 51.0k | 16 | 7 | C1 H4 I7 |
FLY | kalista olaf kalista | trundle twisted fate | 46.3k | 15 | 1 | B2 O3 I5 B6 |
C9 | 16-15-40 | vs | 15-16-38 | FLY |
Licorice gangplank 2 | 2-1-8 | TOP | 2-3-9 | 3 shen Solo |
Blaber lee sin 3 | 2-4-8 | JNG | 3-3-10 | 2 volibear Santorin |
Nisqy akali 3 | 3-6-9 | MID | 6-3-5 | 4 leblanc PowerOfEvil |
Zven ezreal 1 | 7-2-5 | BOT | 4-3-3 | 1 ashe WildTurtle |
Vulcan yuumi 2 | 2-2-10 | SUP | 0-4-11 | 1 thresh IgNar |
MATCH 3: FLY vs. C9
Winner: FlyQuest in 45m
Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
FLY | kalista olaf twisted fate | lee sin akali | 80.0k | 13 | 11 | C1 H2 O3 H5 M8 M9 B10 M11 E12 B13 |
C9 | Lillia sett caitlyn | leblanc thresh | 77.4k | 13 | 6 | M4 M6 B7 |
FLY | 13-13-40 | vs | 13-13-31 | C9 |
Solo shen 2 | 0-5-11 | TOP | 4-4-4 | 2 gangplank Licorice |
Santorin graves 1 | 6-2-5 | JNG | 3-2-4 | 3 gragas Blaber |
PowerOfEvil azir 3 | 4-3-7 | MID | 2-2-6 | 4 zoe Nisqy |
WildTurtle senna 2 | 3-1-10 | BOT | 4-4-6 | 1 ezreal Zven |
IgNar nautilus 3 | 0-2-7 | SUP | 0-1-11 | 1 yuumi Vulcan |
MATCH 4: C9 vs. FLY
Winner: FlyQuest in 37m
Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
C9 | Lillia graves caitlyn | leblanc azir | 61.5k | 8 | 4 | H2 H4 |
FLY | kalista olaf sett | trundle akali | 66.9k | 11 | 11 | C1 M3 I5 I6 E7 B8 |
C9 | 9-11-18 | vs | 11-9-31 | FLY |
Licorice gangplank 2 | 4-0-5 | TOP | 4-2-3 | 1 shen Solo |
Blaber lee sin 3 | 3-3-3 | JNG | 6-1-3 | 2 volibear Santorin |
Nisqy zoe 3 | 1-2-5 | MID | 0-3-9 | 4 malzahar PowerOfEvil |
Zven ezreal 1 | 1-5-2 | BOT | 1-0-9 | 1 senna WildTurtle |
Vulcan yuumi 2 | 0-1-3 | SUP | 0-3-7 | 3 rakan IgNar |
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
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