Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this is keyword gifts Hey Joe we have a
2s challenge for you today Jeff are you up
4s to the challenge sure we're gonna hand
6s you this phone hit play and then pause
8s and then tell us what your challenge is
12s quick attack a series of clickfire
14s questions ready let's do it the two
16s champions from acapia are zillion and
18s Jax the iceborn hail from freelyard who
21s is the catfish without the fish uh Tom
24s Ken who's the cat yummy who is the tide
27s caller not me name Five Regents battle
30s City noxus shirima demacia probably work
33s last question name three Vandal Scouts
35s uh Teemo Ava and I don't know swole
40s Scout Teemo Lulu
43s perfect thank you