over 1 year ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s name's horn no further pleasantries
4s needed
6s [Music]
9s temper the steel strengthen the metal
20s somebody hold my beer
25s you're welcome
27s [Music]
28s this will make it sturdy
32s right to work
36s an iron will must be forged
45s hold walleye smith
48s fine fine i'm here let's get on with it
56s stand on your own two feet and nothing
58s shall move you
61s hammer never fails
65s now this is what good looks like
69s you wanted the god of the forge you got
72s him
74s [Music]
83s here comes my molten friend
94s i made this hammer it was so good i
96s named it hammer
98s in your name i have rekindled the hearth
101s blood let the name die boy it means
103s nothing anymore
106s rome is on the job secrets hidden by
109s frost
110s if only your followers knew the truth
113s ice witch
118s [Music]
125s this is too much celebrating for my
127s tastes
131s [Music]
137s [Music]
148s you