Within Shurima’s urban markets, the many unique cultures of this vast continent exchange their traditions and their wares. The markets are bustling, sprawling places whose fluttering tents welcome anyone with items to sell. Art: Mon G
Sivir is a renowned fortune hunter and mercenary captain who plies her trade in the deserts of Shurima. Armed with her legendary jeweled crossblade, she has fought and won countless battles for those who can afford her exorbitant price. (Art: @sixmorevodka)
Like all Winter’s Claw reavers, she celebrates savagery and strength. She despises Ashe and her Avarosan tribes for abandoning the nomadic ways of the Freljord. Settlements, warm hearths, and farming have made Avarosans soft—it's only a matter of time until winter claims them.
Vrynna is a veteran reaver of Sejuani's Winter's Claw. Wily and tenacious, the history of her battles during Freljord's harsh winters are chronicled in her scars. She has outwitted, out-fought, and outlived her way to the highest ranks of the Winter's Claw, second to Sejuani.
The Shuriman desert is vast, and we’re making sure we’re prepared for the long trek through it. To that end, Patch 2.4.0 is focused exclusively on bug fixes and miscellaneous quality of life improvements.
@RiotKarix3: *Munch munch* Got to do this little animation for the Exalted Poro card! @PlayRuneterra #LegendsofRuneterra #animation #gam…
@ZoezyNA I, for one, welcome our new poro overlords...
Don't worry, Lonley, Jubilant, Mighty, Patched Porobot, and Destined Poro are already in the fluft.
Win it for them 🥺
@Skyzocat We love Ellie!!
@Skyzocat: Figured that I didn't share my little Elephant child yet, be kind to her, she is shy and sweet ☺️ 💖🐘 Ellie, concept done for…
@RiotCreatorSupp: We are mid-way through the #LeaguePartner Riot Grand Prix @PlayRuneterra! Who are you rooting for?
Bracket-> https://…
@TFT I vote for spirit!
@ichirototosaki: sivir then adopts fen into the family...well you know how the meme goes lol
#ArtofLegends #LegendsOfRuneterra #LeagueO…
Not all of those who strive to ascend succeed. Those who fail are called ‘baccai’ and the few survivors have taken refuge in the tombs. Their masks evoke funerary customs, and their clothing attempts to mask their animal features. Art: @AronElekes
Deep within the sanctum are expressions of life and rebirth. Plant life blooms and knowledge collected from throughout the ages fill this space.
The labyrinthine interior of the sanctum reflects the journey of the living to find meaning in their existence. Gentle cascades of sand capture the unending tranquility of the dead. Cool-toned colors in this area contrasts with the warm sunlight above.
The sanctum of Nasus has been buried by sand and all but forgotten by time. Its entry is guarded by three statues symbolizing the cycle of life. It is said that if one can gaze upon the statue of death without fear they may enter the tombs below.
Deep within the sanctum are expressions of life and rebirth. Plant life blooms and knowledge collected from throughout the ages fill this space. Art: @trachlord
The labyrinthine interior of the sanctum reflects the journey of the living to find meaning in their existence. Gentle cascades of sand capture the unending tranquility of the dead. Cool-toned colors in this area contrasts with the warm sunlight above. Art: @trachlord