Poke'mon TCG Pocket, like the TCG itself, is very collector-focused. The vast majority of people that buy poke'mon cards in the real world also buy them to collect rather than play. I've heard the figure at 80%+. Heck, a major content creator Deep Pocket Monster did a special video series based on "What if I actually learned how to play the game? I've been collecting cards for years and built a whole channel on the hobby but I still don't know how to play."
If you think the goal of a collectible card game is the collectible part, naturally you think in those terms. The more your cards can change, the less real and collectible they feel. NFTs tried the same idea "we'll use tech to prevent companies from changing this ever, so you TRULY own the digital thing." The tech doesn't actually do that of course, but there's a reason they kept saying it did.
Poke'mon TCG Pocket has spent months without even a basic ranked ladder and their collecting loop lets you ignore hav...
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