May the moon light the path to victory.
We're aware of players experiencing problems loading into the new single-player Lab of Legends.
We're working on a more permanent fix, but for now, be sure to have a Board and Guardian selected in your loadout to properly load into a fight.
Aphelios is coming to Runeterra. Learn how to best wield the Weapon of the Faithful with big-brain strats and stellar synergy. 🌙
Patch 2.1.0 drops at 11:00 am PT.
@RubinZoo: Starbone doesn't quite fit into the Keyword Spell Cycle.
While Targon Spellshield was proving tricky during dev, fellow des…
Here's what's coming in Patch 2.1.0...
🌕 Aphelios Champion Expansion 🏮 Lunar Celebration 🛠️ Legends Lab 🃏 Card updates
And much more! Head to the Patch Notes for more info:
Learn more about Aphelios and Champion Expansions:
@beanster88 Nice work!
@RuneterraU 👀
@napgander 👋👋
Commune with the cosmic forces in the Veiled Temple, or summon newfound strength throughout Runeterra.
@GersSulejmani @runeterraccg @riotgames Congrats! GL on your journey to Masters!
The Winter's Claw gathers at the hallowed Scargrounds once every year. It is here that the new warriors are blooded, while the seasoned share the lessons the year's warring has taught them. As Sejuani herself proclaims, there is no greater teacher than the axe.
Thus he went to Zaun, where progress needs no propriety. There, he turned his genius towards augmentation and found a kindred spirit in the brilliant and ambitious Viktor. It was from him that von Yipp first learned of a powerful new technology known as "hextech".
Professor von Yipp was once one of Piltover's brightest minds, though his unconventionally fuzzy form overshadowed his razor-sharp intellect. Ridiculed for his looks and forced to attribute his ideas to his human colleagues, he soon grew weary of academia.
@RiotCareers: #RiotTechBlog 🖱️ Watch out for Puffcaps! Check out how engineers on @PlayRuneterra build flexible tools that elevate how…
We're excited to be nominated for Mobile Game of the Year for the 24th Annual #DICEAwards! ❤️
We're pleased to announce the nominees for our 24th Annual #DICEAwards! A total of 57 games received nominations this year, led by The Last of Us Part II with 11, Ghost of Tsushima with 10, and Hades with 8. See the full list of nominated titles here:
Many places in Demacia, such as the Grand Plaza, serve a dual purpose: military function and daily life. On its hallowed stones, Demacians have seen their soldiers prepare for - and return from - war, and gather to present modest offerings to their king.
Heimerdinger isn't quite finished with his experiment yet so the Single-Player Legends Lab is now coming with Patch 2.1.0.
🧪 Labs can be highly volatile so dates are subject to change 🧪
@primegaming: What time is it @PlayRuneterra players? ⌚️👈 Time to unlock another free Epic Wildcard through #PrimeGaming 👑
Claim it her…
New Labs. New Champs. New Regions. And that’s just a taste of what’s coming in the first three months. Keep an eye on the Event Calendar in-game to see what’s next.