almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Appreciate the reports – team has been alerted

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

If you are still seeing this issue, please “Repair Service” on your EAC Client. You can do this by going to your install folder, which can generally be found at …\Binaries\Win64\EasyAntiCheat

From here, please run EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe and click the “Repair Service” button on (Game 580)

Let me know if this resolves the problem for you!!

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Thanks, appreciate this! Letting the team know immediately

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Appreciate the continued reports, and I apologize that this is persisting. The team is actively investigating still, and when I have further updates to share I will be sure to post them.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

If you are seeing results from adjusting ports, it would also be helpful to ensure that ports 18887 – 18903 are opened as these are used by EAC. However, this is not a guaranteed fix that will work for all folks and the team is still working through the ongoing issue.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

This is not the result of a flag on an individual’s account, but an issue with how EAC is interacting with the specific region at the moment. This is why a majority of these issues are originating from the South America servers. It is not an indicator of any flag or ban, and your account is safe despite the current inability to connect.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

We are seeing this start to clear up, so would suggest giving another restart and shot if you haven’t yet.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

I would recommend repairing/validating too just to make sure everything is in tip-top shape

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Team is on it now

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Issue should be resolved for players in all regions excluding North America West, those folks will unfortunately have to standby for a bit…

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Took just a few extra minutes, but this issue should now be resolved in all regions including North America West. Thanks for your patience!

over 2 years ago - Shadow_Fox - Direct link

The error should now be fixed!