over 2 years
ago -
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Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming offline on Wednesday, August 3rd at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and this update will include the following fixes and changes:
- Gold earned from the Rapport system will be received as “withheld funds”, which are subject to a 3-day withholding period during which they are restricted in the following ways:
- Cannot send withheld funds through mail
- Cannot deduct from withheld funds when accepting billing mail
- Cannot use on 1:1 trades
- Cannot use in Auction House
- Cannot use in Marketplace
- Cannot use in Loot Auctions
- For the first 72 hours after using a paid Powerpass, all gold earned by trading Una’s Tokens will be received as withheld funds and subject to the 3-day withholding period.
- Please note that all Powerpasses are currently disabled as we work to resolve an issue with the feature. We will provide an additional update on Powerpasses update later this week.
Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia soon!