Hi, Erika, I hope that you're all well.
The other day, someone asked about the Yogscast Achievement, and I would like to suggest some changes, inspired by what was asked, and my answers.
1: The Recruit Achievements, for these particular ones need a Ticket.
Can it be changed that you get the Achievement, as soon as you recruit the Crusader, even from the Mission? This would be "a General Fix", instead of "Event Crusader Specific", to cover them all.
2: In relation to the Currency ones, could everyone just be given the Achievements, remove them, either for those that don't have them completed. or just remove them, for everyone.
3: Can I also repeat my suggestion that the chances of getting a Mission for a Crusader that will be in an Event that will be reoccurring soon be looked at? Maybe set it so that a week before the Event starts, said Event's Crusaders are removed, from the Recruit Pool.