almost 6 years
ago -
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Wardrobe Engine!
- Created the underlying system for unlocking, storing, and applying skins across the network
- Player Wardrobes are stored centrally in a server-based wardrobe management system (our hope is in the future you'll be able to share these across all platforms you own the game on)
- UI in MageQuit to unlock skins using single-use codes (currently only PAX South Skins are implemented and we will be emailing these codes out shortly)
(Wardrobe Management UI will be available in the future)
- Fixed a bug where clients with slow computers could get stuck on the draft screen
- Stopped syncing 2/3rds of the wizard animation variables over the network which should help reduce network traffic and make for smoother gameplay
- Removed some of the extraneous network messages during the draft screen to improve performance